# 3125339

# PM014319

  References and Articles used in creating this site

Articles and Papers:

     "Some Unlisted New Jersey Depression Scrip"  by David D. Gladfelter, NLG
        A brief article written about some previously unknown depression scrip issues of New
        Jersey.  This article was published in Jerseyana, the quarterly newsletter of the New
        Jersey Exonumia Society.  Thanks David for allowing me to add this to this website.
        Yet another great reference for depression scrip collectors.

     "This is Not United States Currency", Oklahoma's Emergency Scrip Issues during the
     Banking Crisis of 1933 by Loren Gatch
        An excellant article written about Oklahoma's depression scrip.  Thanks Loren for such a
        well written article and timeline of what happened in Oklahoma during the depression.
        Reprinted here with permission from the Oklahoma Historical Society

     Ellwood City, Pennsylvania, Depression Scrip by Lawrence Korchnak
        A great article written about a very rare depression note issue.
        Reprinted here with permission from Larry Korchnak and NUMISMATIST magazine

     Depression Scrip: an Annotated Bibliography by Loren Gatch
        This is still a work in progess, but there's lots more information coming soon...
        Click on the link (title) above to see this paper.  Thanks Loren for letting me publish this.

     Wara by Hans R. L. Cohrssen
        Article written in 1932 about the "Wara" scrip issued in Germany

     Kinds of Scrip Issued by School Districts in Financial Emergencies by John A Muscalus, Ph.D.
        11pp. Very brief paper - mostly photos of scrip, 1971

     Real Albion Currency Once Circulated Here by Frank Passic
        article written in 1998 about the scrip issued in Albion Michigan
        You can view it here: link

     The Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science Volume IV 1938
        33pp. Very detailed paper on the Alberta Prosperity Stamp Scrip.

     The Holland Public Schools Paper Scrip of 1933 by Donald L. van Reken
        9pp. Nice little paper about the Tax Anticipation Warrants of Holland Michigan.  Tells the
        history and the legality of how and why this scrip was issued.  1978


     Standard Catalog of Depression Scrip of the US by Ralph Mitchell and Neil Shafer
        simply the "bible" on depression scrip

     Michigan Depression Script of the 1930's by James Curto 36pp
        Outstanding book with lots of good info
        Originally printed in the Nuismatist 1963

     Stamp Scrip by Irving Fisher, LL.D.135pp
        Lots of info on stamp issued scrip including the U.S. and Germany written in 1933

     Albion's Banks and Bankers by Frank Passic 1985 85pp
        Great reference on the banking history of Albion Michigan. Just a small chapter on
        depression scrip, but overall a great book on banking history of the area.
        This is still available from the author for $12.  Just send him an email at
        albionfp@hotmail.com and tell him I sent you.

     The San Francisco Clearing House Certificates of 1907-1908 by Carl Copping Plehn
        January 1909 from the University of California
        You can view this one here: link

     Depression Scrip of the United States States A thru I by Charles Kappen and Ralph Mitchell
        140pp 1961 - Great reference book....book on states J thru Z was never written
        inlcudes info not included in the Mitchell / Schafer book

     Annual Report - Atlantic City Public Schools 1937 - 1938
        Yearly annual report put out by the superintendent of the schools.  Shows the dollar
        amount of scrip issued and received.

     Annual Report - Atlantic City Public Schools 1938 - 1939
        Yearly annual report put out by the superintendent of the schools.  Shows the dollar
        amount of scrip issued and received.

Books I'm looking to Purchase:
     If anyone has any of these books for sale, please email me.  A picture of the cover is included.

"A Trial Listing of Washington State Scrip"
by Northwest Token and Medal Society - 1979

"Banknotes, Scrip and Paper Ephemera of Milwaukee"
by Neil Shafer - 1990

1985 Supplement for The Standard Catalog of Depression Scrip of the United States
by Ralph Mitchell and Neil Shafer - 1985
Moore County North Carolina Dewberries Picker's "ticket" Scrip
by Jerry R. Roughton - 1982